Our Saraswathi Kshetra, Saraswathy Vidyanikethan( A Unit of Bharatheeya Vidya Nikethan, Kerala) projects a successful story of progress from its humble beginnings in 1990 to its present day status of one of the best educational institutions of Kerala. Affiliated to CBSE the Saraswathy Vidyanikethan Secondary School has a campus area of 3 acres with classes from Arun to X standard. The unique system of informal education imparted in the Sisuvatika (Arun, Udaya classes) enables our tiny buds to bloom and be groomed in a homely environment. The academic life in the campus is conditioned by character building, discipline and spiritual education. Students are moulded through the Panchaanga Sikshanam, an educational strategy developed by Vidya Bharathi.