Our Saraswathi Kshetra, Saraswathy Vidyanikethan( A Unit of Bharatheeya Vidya Nikethan, Kerala) projects a successful story of progress from its humble beginnings in 1990 to its present day status of one of the best educational institutions of Kerala. Affiliated to CBSE the Saraswathy Vidyanikethan Secondary School has a campus area of 3 acres with classes from Arun to X standard. The unique system of informal education imparted in the Sisuvatika (Arun, Udaya classes) enables our tiny buds to bloom and be groomed in a homely environment. The academic life in the campus is conditioned by character building, discipline and spiritual education. Students are moulded through the Panchaanga Sikshanam, an educational strategy developed by Vidya Bharathi.
The Prarthana Sabha with the enchanting Slokas from our Holy scriptures and the Saraswathi vandanan generates spiritual fervour in the young minds.
Our institution strives for a healthy combination of academic excellence, spiritual enlightment and creative recreation so that a student who lives our campus drawing his mental strength from the nectar of Bhagavat Geetha becomes well equipped to encounter the discrepancies of the modern world, with the sense of logical reasoning, never to fall down to the rock bottom level of moral degradation.
The Management, staff and students are committed to this mission and work together to obtain exceptional results in the academic, co-curricular, extra-curricular arenas and be happily productive in their very lives together at this School.
Although a rigorous academic programme is at the core of everything we at Saraswathy Vidyanikethan, do an equally outstanding co-curricular and extra-curricular agenda for students endows them with a much needed holistic education to give them a competitive edge over their counterparts elsewhere.
In rendering holistic learning, delivered by highly qualified, professional staff within an outstanding infrastructure, Saraswathy Vidyanikethan continues a grand tradition of Twenty Three successful years and prepares to move dynamically into the future.